Kracked Esports™ Teams

Below you will find the List of our Divisions with a list of each division's Teams/Squads and the players currently on each squad Sorted By Game in Alphabetical Order.

Apex Legends Division

Apex Legends Division: Coaches: TruBlu2KRKD 

Apex Legends Division Manager: KRKD Savag3

Kracked Esports Gold :


Kracked Esports Silver: 


Kracked  Esports Red :



Kracked Esports Blue:


Kracked Esports Black:


Kracked Esports Green (PC):

KRKD Enjoiful (Captain)

KRKD IrishKracken

KRKD Elkrid


Kracked Esports Purple:

KRKD Yellow:


KRKD Apex Beta Squad

KRKD Elkrid 

{Kracked Apex Beta Squad are our "In Training" Squads Formerly JV Squads, as such they will not be competing until The coach feels they are ready to move up to one of our competing squads.}

KRKD Apex Squad Floaters/Alternates:

KRKD Dekufairytale

KRKD Kenko


KRKD Triforce

Call Of Duty Division

The Call of Duty Division moves to each new CoD game as they release for the purposes of competing. 

Division Coach: KRKD Airborn
Co Coach: KRKD fixdacanoe

CoD Squad Alpha:
KRKD Airborn

KRKD Enjoiful

KRKD fixdacanoe

KRKD Savag3

CoD Squad Beta:

Fortnite Division:

Fortnite Squad Alpha:

TruBlu2 KRKD (Captain)

LittleLerm (Co Captian)


KRKD Savag3

Halo Division


Division Coach: KRKD Savag3

Halo Squad Mjolnir (Alpha)

 KRKD FixDaCanoe


KRKD Neonic  

KRKD Celtic


TruBlu2 KRKD 

Halo Division Reserves:

KRKD Entree

KRKD Island Kiddo

ODST Squad (Beta)

KRKD Savag3 

KRKD Soul 

KRKD Man Bun

KRKD Blindside

Recruiting for 1 Seat!

* This could be you! Apply Today!* 


KRKD Morg (Alternate) 

Marine Squad (Delta)

KRKD Frankdad

Recruiting for 4 seats!

* This could be you! Apply Today!* 

Overwatch Division


Rocket League Division


Division Coach: Trublu2KRKD

Squad alpha:

TruBlu2 KRKD (Captain)

Valorant Division


Warzone Division
